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We’ll make sure your pension grows

Instead of broad-based indexes, we prefer to manage assets actively: we monitor the surrounding environment and invest in different asset classes.

  • Consistently positive result for assets
    L and M are the only Estonian funds to have ended each of the last 10 calendar years with a positive rate of return every year.
  • Wisely managed risks
    We invest in different asset classes and are not dependent on the winds of volatile stock markets. Our strategy is to avoid big falls, and we know that in the long run this is more effective.
  • Number 1 pension grower in Estonia for 20 years
    By avoiding bigger losses and making investments with better rates of return, we preserve and grow your assets over the years.

Increase the contributions to the II pillar

By default, your contribution is 2%, but now you can decide for yourself whether it stays that way. A 25-year-old saver with an average salary can have a significant impact on the size of the pension by their choice alone. The state still adds 4% from social tax and if you choose to contribute 6%, the total is 10%. The higher the contribution, the bigger the pension.

The rate of return of the selected pension fund(s) and the eighth wonder of the world are added: compound interest. II pillar contributions are made from the gross salary, which means an immediate 22% income tax benefit.

Submit an application

Kristo Oidermaa

Fund Manager at LHV

„For me, it’s about results, not just low management fees. I am saving in the XL and L funds.“

Joel Kukemelk

Fund Manager at LHV

"‘It’s important for me to invest in future trends. I’m saving in the fund Roheline.“

Mikk Taras

Fund Manager at LHV

„It’s important for me that risks are diversified. I’m saving in fund L.“

LHV II pillar pension funds

At LHV, you can choose from seven II pillar pension funds, which can be divided into four larger groups.

Three easy steps to join the LHV II pillar

  • Log in to the self-service.

  • Select an appropriate LHV fund to allocate your contributions and exchange your existing units

  • That’s it. Today’s decisions can start earning money for your future.

More than 125,000 clients are already growing their pensions wisely. Come and join them.

Meet our investment team

Is your money actively managed?

8. March 2023

Are the risks mitigated?

8. March 2023

Where do the results come from?

8. March 2023

Have you already thought about the III pillar?

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Do you value different investments and risk spreading?

LHV Pensionifond XL is suitable if
  • you have more than 15 years left until retirement,
  • you are prepared to take above-average risks,
  • your aim is the long-term growth of your pension savings.

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Choose this fund

LHV Pensionifond L is suitable if
  • you have more than 10 years left until retirement,
  • you have average risk tolerance,
  • your aim is the long-term growth of your pension savings.

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Choose this fund

LHV Pensionifond M is suitable if
  • you have 3–10 years left until retirement age,
  • you have moderate risk tolerance,
  • your aim is the long-term stable growth of your pension savings.

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Want to keep the money you have collected?

LHV Pensionifond S is suitable if
  • you have 2–5 years left until retirement age,
  • you have low risk tolerance,
  • your aim is the preservation and modest growth of your pension savings.

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LHV Pensionifond XS is suitable if
  • you have less than 3 years left until retirement,
  • you have low risk tolerance,
  • your aim is to preserve your savings and avoid losses.

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Do you prefer low management fees and take higher risk?

LHV Pensionifond Indeks is suitable if
  • you want to invest in financial markets on a continuous basis,
  • you wish to grow your pension pillar at the lowest possible costs,
  • you have prior personal investment experience.

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Do you believe in a green transition?

LHV Pensionifond Roheline is suitable if
  • you have more than 15 years left until retirement,
  • you are partial to thinking green,
  • you would like to invest your pension funds in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner.

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