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LHV Pensionifond XL

10 year net yield
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Invests into Estonia
Fund investors

Suitable if

  • you are prepared to take above-average risks,
  • your aim is the long-term growth of your pension savings
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XL with its higher proportion of equity

  • XL is LHV’s most quick-tempered actively managed pension fund. This means that XL invests more in equity markets than any other active LHV fund.
  • While XL is allowed to allocate all of its assets to equity markets, we prefer to diversify the fund’s investments across a number of asset classes – real estate, private equity funds, and OTC bonds.
  • XL is actively managed, which is why the risks are managed and the pension saver’s money is kept safe. Our investment team makes decisions based on thorough analysis and the economic situation.

Kristo Oidermaa

Fund Manager at LHV

„We have taken a thematic approach to the composition of the XL Fund equity portfolio and have selected sectors that have always offered a good rate of return in times of high inflation.“

Market overview

Biggest investments

The data is presented as at 30.06.2024

Biggest investments
German Treasury Bill 1% 15/08/20245.68%
ZKB Gold ETF4.15%
France Treasury Bill 30/10/20243.93%
iShares Gold Producers UCITS ETF3.45%
Axcel VI3.35%
Investindustrial VII L.P.2.04%
East Capital Baltic Property Fund III2.03%
Monte Rosa V Class J2.03%
German Treasury Bill 16/10/20241.93%

Biggest investments in Estonia

Biggest investments in Estonia
East Capital Baltic Property Fund III2.03%
Luminor 7.75% 08/06/20271.51%
Baltic Horizon Fund 08/05/281.27%

Asset Classes

The data is presented as at 30.06.2024.

Information about the fund

Information about the fund
Volume of the fund (as of 30.06.2024)256,674,289.54 €
Management companyLHV Varahaldus
Equity in the fund530 000 units
Rate of the depository’s charge0.0415% (paid by LHV)
DepositoryAS SEB Pank

Entry fee: 0%

Exit fee: 0%

Management fee: 0,6120%

Success fee: Performance fee is 20% of the positive difference between the fund's performance and the benchmark, maximum of 2% per annum of the fund's volume. Performance fee for 2021 0,28%.

Ongoing charges (inc management fee): 1.22%

The ongoing charges figure is an estimate based on the current management fee and the 2023 level of all other recognized costs. Ongoing charges may vary from year to year.

June 2024: We began reconstruction of the Marat Building in Tallinn

Kristo Oidermaa and Romet Enok, Fund Managers

June was a good month for the US stock market, with the S&P 500 rising by 3.5% in dollar terms. Conversely, the European Euro Stoxx 50 index fell by 1.7% in euro terms, primarily due to negative market reactions in France ahead of the parliamentary elections.

Emerging markets rose by 3.6% in dollar terms in June, led by Asian markets such as Taiwan, India and South Korea. Latin America and China had a negative impact on the markets. The OMX Baltic Benchmark index fell by approximately 2% in euros during the month.

No major transactions were made in the stock portfolios during the month. The biggest contributor to our portfolio returns was our largest position, physical gold, which rose by 1.3% in June. The most significant negative impact came from investments in energy metals, which declined by 4–7%, and European banks, which lost 6.7% in value. Due to structural undersupply and the protection the sector offers in an uncertain geopolitical environment, we continue to see good opportunities in the commodity sector.

LHV pension funds are set to begin reconstructing the old Marat knitwear factory building, colloquially known as the White House, located on Tartu maantee in Tallinn. The building, acquired in 2020, will have two additional floors added. Currently, the it mainly offers office space, but after the construction, the building will include commercial, dining, service and storage spaces. It will also achieve a class A energy rating, with plans to apply for the BREEAM Sustainable Building Certification rating of Excellent.

May 2024: We Invested in Agricultural Enterprises

Kristo Oidermaa and Romet Enok, Fund Managers

Contrary to the saying, “Sell in May and go away!”, May was a good month for developed markets. The US S&P 500 index rose by 4.8% in dollars, and the European Euro Stoxx 50 rose by 2.1% in euros. Emerging markets ended the month unchanged overall.

China experienced growth of 2.1% measured in dollars – a positive change from the poor mood that has surrounded the country for almost a year. Among emerging markets, Indonesia and Brazil had the most negative returns in May, falling 7.4% and 5.9% in dollars, respectively. The OMX Baltic Benchmark index fell by approximately 0.6% in euros during the month.

During May, we bought positions in the agricultural companies Mosaic and Nutrien, betting on the rising prices of agricultural products. Of our equity positions, the European banking index and the gold mining company Agnico Eagle Mines gained the most in May, rising between 5% and 7%. The weakest results came from our energy-related positions, which fell by 2% to 7%.

We still see good opportunities in the commodities sector due to the structural undersupply and sustained demand prevailing in the sector.

The situation in the venture capital industry has been difficult lately, but nevertheless, active startups are still able to raise money from both angel investors and funds. In May, the venture capital fund Tera Ventures made an investment in CARÁ Health, a company that offers support to Estonian women throughout pregnancy, including science-based guidance and other support services.

The health startup has developed the world’s first phone application that combines personal advice and AI recommendations designed for women during pregnancy. CARÁ Health addresses the problem that more than 40 million women struggle with long-term issues after giving birth while not having full access to comprehensive and verified health and wellness resources. CARÁ Health raised 750,000 euros to expand its business to Europe’s German-speaking countries: Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

April 2024: Baltic Horizon Fund continued to redeem bonds

Kristo Oidermaa and Romet Enok, Fund Managers

April was a negative month for developed markets. The US S&P 500 index fell by 4.2% in dollars and the European Euro Stoxx 50 fell by 2.4% in euros. One of the few developed economies to remain in the positive was the UK, growing by 2.4% in British pounds.

Overall, emerging markets remained flat, with the MSCI EM index up 0.3% in dollars during the month. Latin American stock markets were on a downturn, while China, where a very negative mood has prevailed for almost a year, rose by 6.5% in dollars over the month. The OMX Baltic Benchmark index gained approximately 1.4% in euros during the month.

During the month, we sold our positions in the Finnish forestry company UPM-Kymmene in all portfolios. Among the equity positions, the best performers in April were precious and energy metals, which gained between 5% and 8%, as well as European banks, which gained around 3.7%. The fund’s energy positions fell the most during the month, falling by 6% to 11%. We see good future opportunities in the commodity sector, where there is still structural undersupply.

In April, Piletilevi Group announced that it would buy majority stakes in two Polish ticket sale companies. This makes the company the second-largest market participant in Poland and the largest player in Central Europe. This is Piletilevi Group’s largest investment so far, after recently expanding operations to Romania and the Czech Republic. Piletilevi Group also operates in the Baltics, brokering around 320 million euros worth of tickets per year.

Baltic Horizon Fund redeemed another portion of its bonds as planned. The company has already redeemed almost a third of the 42 million euros worth of securities issued last May. The next and currently last early redemption payment is scheduled for July at the latest. After that, the original bond issue of 42 million euros will decrease to 22 million euros. The interest on the bond is Euribor + 8% plus early redemption fees.

The technology sector as an economic lifeline
Andres Viisemann, Head of LHV Pension Funds

June was generally a positive month for international stock markets. The S&P 500, which tracks the value of major US companies, rose by 3.5%. The MSCI World Index, which assesses the performance of emerging markets, also increased by 3.6% over the month, driven by the growth in the stock markets of Taiwan, South Korea, and India.

Did you know that LHV’s III pillar fund Aktiivne III invests in a similar way?

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