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How to make a proxy payment?

  • Start a new payment using the app.

  • Select a number from your Contacts or enter it manually.

  • You can then accept payments using your phone number linked to your account. For the payer, the payment order form is automatically filled in with the recipient’s name and account number.

How to accept a proxy payment?

  • In the app settings, link your phone number with the desired bank account and consent to the sending of data.

  • You will receive a confirmation code by text message. This is to verify that the telephone number you entered belongs to you.

  • The payee's name and bank account number are automatically added to the payment order. If the payee has not joined the proxy payment service, you can send them an invitation to join the proxy payment at LHV bank.

Proxy payment is a payment made by entering the recipient’s phone number. Proxy payment can be used to pay individuals or legal persons.

Start a proxy payment in the LHV app just as you would an ordinary payment. If you allow the app to access your Contacts, you can select the recipient conveniently from the contacts you have saved on your phone.

Good to know: If the payment recipient has already joined the proxy payment service, their name and bank account number will automatically appear on the payment order.

Proxy Payment can be used to pay individuals or legal persons. If the recipient has not started using the service you can invite them over the LHV app.

Yes, to do this; link your company’s mobile phone number with the corporate account. Remember that a given phone number can be associated with only one account for proxy payment. The last number linked with the account remains in place.

No, one phone number can refer to only one bank account. If you have more than one account at LHV, but only one phone number, select the account where you would like the funds to be received.

Your phone number can only refer to only one bank account at a time. If you’ve activated the proxy payment service in several banks with the same mobile phone number, the last account you associated with the number with will be the active one.

This poses no hindrance to using proxy payment. Any LHV account can be associated with as many phone numbers as you wish. The only limitation is whether the phone number supports receiving of text messages, as a security code is sent to the phone for making the payment.

You can use phone numbers in any country that support receiving and displaying text messages.

No, proxy payment works between all banks that have joined the Latvian central bank administered service Proxy Registry Instant Links. The largest banks in Estonia and Latvia have joined the service as of now. View the list of banks that have joined

Yes, proxy payment works between all banks that have joined the Latvian central bank administered service Proxy Registry Instant Links. The largest banks in Estonia and Latvia have joined the service as of now. View the list of banks that have joined

The usual limits and rights for transactions also apply to proxy payment.

The association between phone number and bank account can be deleted in the app.

Yes, this can be done. A child of at least 13 years of age can join proxy payment on their own. Younger children can ask a parent or guardian with access to their account to enable the service. To do this, the adult should log in to the LHV app and associate the child’s account with the child’s phone number.

We ask access so that the payment recipient could be chosen conveniently from your contacts. We send only the phone number of your selected contact to the registry for making the proxy payment. All other data remain in your device and they cannot be viewed by LHV or the proxy payment register administrator.


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