Opening hours of LHV offices and the transfer of payments during Christmas and the New Year


Due to the approaching holidays, there will be changes to the business hours of LHV Bank, which we ask you to consider when planning financial matters.

On 22 December, the Tallinn, Tartu, and Pärnu offices will be open as usual from 9–17. LHV client offices will be closed on 25–26 December and 1 January. During the holidays and the New Year, callers to the customer support number 6 800 400 will be assisted by our partner.

Internal payments and instant payments between banks will take place as usual. International and European payments will not move on 25 and 26 December and 1 January.

On 25 December and 1 January, the stock exchanges will be closed and brokers will be resting. On 26 December, automatic order transmission to US stock exchanges will take place and brokers will be on the phone to help with more critical issues – please send LHV Trader and Broker orders by 14.00.

Happy Holidays!

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