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Five key factors for presenting a successful project plan

Ownership of the building

Our preference is that the building belongs to the applicant (legal entity). If the community has not yet acquired the building, we prefer a long-term binding lease. We also welcome applications from representatives of public sector buildings.

Project plan

When applying for renovation financing, we assume the existence of a general project plan, which sets out the most important cost items and the corresponding amounts.

Description of the impact

Renovating a building is reasonable if the repair gives the building a new function. We expect a description of the positive impact from successful applicants, which shows for whom the renovation of the building is important and why, and what will result from the renovation.

Community competency

The successful applicant is not expected to have a fully professional team with construction or business management competencies at its disposal; however, communities with relevant practical and educational background knowledge do have an advantage.

Community contribution

When submitting the application, we ask you to highlight the community’s contribution: it is worth highlighting the contribution of the community from both a financial and workforce perspective.

Find inspiration from completed projects

With the support of LHV, the reconstruction and expansion of the volunteer rescue brigade building of the Järva-Jaani Firefighters’ Association and its driveway was just completed. The project was carried out by the head of the rescue brigade, Ivar Kärner, and his team, while the whole community helped out with advice and support.

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Renovation and restoration of the Järva-Jaani volunteer rescue brigade building

A shop was reopened in the village of Leesi, on the Juminda peninsula. This is the fruit of the local community’s labour. The inhabitants of the peninsula put together their personal acquaintances, working hands and euros: each farm contributed 1,000 euros. They bought the historic shop and post office building, put together a plan, and did it. Now, local residents no longer need to drive half an hour to the nearest shop. Leesi did it. How? You can read about it below.

Loe lisa

The story of the Leesi shop:
How can the community save a public building?

Conditions for Applying

  1. Who does it? is a grant programme that provides successful applicants financial support for renovating or building projects in the public space (e.g. buildings, rooms, outbuildings, outside areas etc.) that empower, preserve and develop a sense of cohesion in the community.
  2. The organisers of the grant are LHV Finance, address Tartu mnt 2 Tallinn, 12417231, phone 680 2700, e-mail
  3. The applicant must be a private legal person, registered in Estonia. It is not essential for the person to be registered when applying; however, the grant will only be paid out to a registered private legal person.
  4. The application deadline is 30.04.2023, and the application must be sent to
  5. The recipients of the grant will be announced on 31.05.2023.
  6. The total value of the support grant is €25,000. The grant can be divided between several applicants; in other words, the LHV Finance department (hereinafter Finance) has the right to distribute the value of the fund between different projects and to finance projects partially.
  7. The application must be submitted in Estonian on the following form.
  8. The applicant agrees with the terms and conditions provided by Finance, including the publishing of the name of the applicant and information on the project (upon being chosen to receive the grant) on the website, communications, e-mails and social media.
  9. In the case of Force Majeure, Finance has the right to terminate the programme without notice and without incurring any penalties. If possible, Finance will publish information about the termination on their website or via other information channels.
  10. Finance has the right to make decisions on the support grant without notice.
  11. All complaints regarding the organisation of the grant must be submitted to Finance in writing and sent to the postal address Tartu mnt 2, Tallinn.
  12. Additional information on the grant: 680 2700, or


  • MTÜ Järva-Jaani Tuletõrje Selts receives 20,000 euros for the modernization of the commando building
  • MTÜ Soometsa Külaselts receives 326 euros for painting the facade of Soometsa village house
  • MTÜ Kohila Mõisakool project receives a special award from LHV Youth Bank in the amount of 2,000 euros


Ristiküla Külaselts MTÜ for the restoration of a barn with heritage value, as a result of which local cultural life is promoted and valuable living environment is created.

Viscosa Kultuuritehas MTÜ to order windows for the atrium of the theater, as a result of which a cultural space will be created that offers an affordable cultural experience regardless of the weather throughout the year.


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